Specialty Services
Trimble X7
3D Laser Scanner
High speed 3D laser scanner operated in Trimble Field Link software on a hand-held tablet
Self-leveling to survey grade with the georeferencing to the project's coordinate system
Prepares point clouds in Recap format for Autodesk products or other formats, if needed
Collect 360 degree photographs in coordination with laser scanning
Leica GPS-Based Survey Equipment
CS20 GPS Field Controllers with touch screen technology to obtain and process field collected data
GS14 GNSS Receiver with integrated mobile communications and UHF modem for satellite connectivity and RTK solution to NYSDOT CORS Network
GS18i GNSS RTK Smart Antenna Rover with similar capabilities as GS14 with more advanced tilt and image capturing abilities
Thermal Imaging Camera
Pistol-grip camera with 640x480 thermal resolution with onboard integration with FLIR routing software
Dual field-of-view lens to switch from wide-area to telephoto scanning
Certified thermographers on staff
Flexim Fluxus
Ultrasonic Flowmeter 601
Two channel ultrasonic meter capable of simultaneously displaying and logging two independent fluid streams including energy, flow, and temperature
Can also simultaneously meter and log four independent temperature measurements
Uses include measuring energy use, consumption, and equipment cycling behavior
Dranetz HDPQ Guide Power Meter
Hand held portable power quality and energy meter/monitor
Can display real time voltage, current, power factor, demand, and energy on up to four channels
Will simultaneously log voltage, current, power factor, demand, and energy for later analysis
Can also be used to analyze waveform distortions, phase unbalance, and flicker